The Parish Council shares residents’ concerns about parking in and around Hathersage in particular illegal parking e.g. obstruction of pavements, and inconsiderate parking. The Parish Council has been raising parking concerns for many years with the relevant authorities -the police, Derbyshire County Council (Highways), and the Peak District National Planning Authority (PDNPA).
The Parish Council continues to pursue solutions including:
- Sharing examples of obstructive (and inconsiderate) parking with authorities;
- Asking our DCC Cllr (Alasdair Sutton) and, when appropriate, our DDDC Cllrs (Peter O’Brien and Simon Ripton) to make representations to their respective Councils (and Officers) about what they can do to address our parking issues;
- Flagging, with the police, the need for regular parking enforcement as a deterrent;
- Also, a Hathersage Parish Councillor is a PDNPA Parish Member and he regularly raises the need for better management of visitor parking and, related to Peak Park visitors, better public transport options.
What else has the Parish Council done?
In 2018/19 a Hathersage Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) – co-ordinated by the Parish Council – was put in place – the TRO included yellow lining of various roads/streets to address parking issues (and traffic management). The Council has another TRO pending with DCC Highways which includes proposals for lining on Back Lane, Moorland Road, Coggers Lane, Dore Lane (and some other areas). If approved, these measures could go some way to alleviate parking in these areas, obstruction on narrow roads, and the general detrimental impact on Hathersage residents. Unfortunately, the TRO process is taking an inordinately long time.
Residents’ Parking Scheme – in 2022 the Parish Council undertook a survey of Hathersage residents to gauge support for a Resident Parking Scheme. There was only a lukewarm response/endorsement; residents particularly took issue with the fact that there could be no guarantees of being able to park outside your home or even on your street.
WHAT CAN RESIDENTS DO? Check this link to the Safer Derbyshire page on illegal parking or highway obstruction, and reporting (or see full contact details, below). You can directly share details (photographic evidence – and date; time; site) of illegal and dangerous parking with the police and/or with Derbyshire County Council (DCC). It would be helpful if you could report instances directly to the relevant authority and share your reports with the Parish Council – the Parish Council can then follow up with the police and/or DCC with a portfolio of evidence.
Derbyshire County Council (DCC) are responsible for civil enforcement. DCC Civil Enforcement Officers (previously known as Parking Wardens) are responsible for enforcement, for example where vehicles are parked on double and single yellow lines and on dropped kerbs impeding access (responsibility shared with the police) – you could share examples of parking on single and double lines etc with DCC via The police are responsible for other enforcement e.g. where there is parking on double white lines; where parking is causing an obstruction – for example, pavements with no parking restrictions, or dangerous parking at other sites where there are no restrictions in place e.g. bends, brows of hills and junctions; parking on dropped kerb access (responsibility shared with Civil Enforcement Officers). You can contact the police about illegal parking through:
- Calling 101
- Using Live Chat or the police online report form
- Facebook: Send a private message
- Twitter: Send a direct message to the contact centre